New Pastor has ideas for the Knights of the Cardinal Stritch Council in 2022-23

By Dave Stephenson, Grand Knight

In August, Deputy Grand Knight Dan Marcotte and I had a chance to sit down with pastor Father Kevin Huber in the backward of the rectory to discuss what he expects from the Cardinal Stritch Council #4620.

Photo of Fr. Kevin Huber

Father Kevin, a fourth-degree Knight, knows the value of a healthy and active council can do to the growth of a parish as big as St. Mary’s. He expressed the need for this council to have a bigger profile in the parish. Father said he wants everyone to know that St. Mary Church has a very active Knights of Columbus council.

Since he was formally installed as the new pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in 2021, he said he was excited to see the participation the members of Council 4620 has shown. Not only pouring coffee and lemonade at parish functions, but bringing their families to our Corporate Communions and answering the call to duty without hesitation.

For the May Crowning held at St. Mary Church, Father Kevin had the statue of Our Blessed Mother carried into the church by the Knights of the Cardinal Stritch Council #4620.

Father Huber, who previously served as pastor at Queen of All Saints Church in Michigan City, is only the sixth pastor in the long history of St. Mary’s. He was appointed to succeed the retired Father Patrick Kalich.

The first thing he agreed to was that our council would use Hammes Hall for our monthly meetings.